Formulating Science with Technology

Featured Products

Black Screws NCB   


  • Non-Chrome Black
  • Complete Uniform Coverage
  • Can Be Sealed For Improved Corrosion Protection
  • Non-Hazardous Process
ECLIPSE® NCB provides a true black non-chrome conversion coating over plated zinc and zinc die castings. Equally effective in rack, barrel and basket processing.  Read More 

The Science of Successful Metal Finishing

Since 1966 Metalline Corporation has been improving industrial metal finishing operations through the development of high strength metal cleaners, environmentally friendly bright dips and non-chrome corrosion inhibiting chemicals for all metals.

Producing reject-free work on a consistent basis is an ongoing challenge for all metal finishers.  Many finishers are limited by the chemical technology in their process tanks and the technical knowledge of their suppliers.  Successful Metal Finishing is accomplished through the use of effective process equipment, appropriate chemical technology and experienced technical knowledge.     

Each stage of the metal finishing process line is critical.  The metal cleaning process is arguably the most important stage of any metal finishing operation, and it is frequently overlooked.  Metalline Corporation  was founded on the strength of heavy duty soak cleanerselectrocleaners and detergent acid additives formulated to remove the heaviest oils and the worst heat treat scale.  Special care must be taken when selecting the appropriate chemistry to treat specific metal alloys.  As a result, Metalline Corporation has formulated cleaners and metal activators specifically for AluminumBrassCopperStainless SteelSteel and Zinc Die Castings

Building on a strong foundation of metal cleaning technology, Metalline Corporation continues to research and develop specialty metal finishing chemicals including high protection trivalent chromateshex-free post dipsmetal strippersnitric-free bright dips and black nickel alloy plating systems.

Performance, productivity and profitability can all be improved by selecting high quality products backed by knowledgeable and experienced technical service.  Metalline Corporation provides service and technology that exceeds expectations. 




Surface Preparation

Greasy GearsMetal Cleaners designed to remove rust, oils, buffing compounds and carbon scale.
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Bright Dips & Electropolishes 

Chemical Polishes

Chemicals that polish, de-bur and activate copper, brass, aluminum, zinc die castings and stainless steel.
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Decorative Coatings

Shiny WheelBlack Nickel Alloy plating processes and specialty antiquing chemistry.
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Chromates & Top Coats

Black ScrewsHigh Protection Trivalent Chromates, Non-chrome Post Dips, Chrome-Free black zinc.
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Corrosion Resistant Coatings

Rusty and Shiny

Environmentally Friendly Chemicals that prevent rusting, tarnishing and oxidation on all metals.
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Chemical Strippers

ChemicalsChemical strippers that remove copper, nickel, chrome, electroless nickel and zinc from all metals.
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Miscellaneous Chemicals

Chemical FormulasASTM B117 Salt Spray Solution, Colored Dyes for zinc plating, Defoamers for waste treatment, etc.
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